Sunday, July 20, 2014

"As a result, this virtual machine may experience very low graphics performance. Follow the instructions provided by your graphics card vendor or Linux distribution in order to update your computer's OpenGL drivers."

Opening VMWare Workstation 10 with Windows 7 in Ubuntu hosts initially says the 3D Acceleration doesn't work because "As a result, this virtual machine may experience very low graphics performance. Follow the instructions provided by your graphics card vendor or Linux distribution in order to update your computer's OpenGL drivers."

Simple fix is to shutdown your VM. Edit your *.vmx file in an editor like Gedit or VI and add the following line: = "TRUE"

Start your VM, and it should work dandily!

Trouble Mounting Windows 8 Partition onto Ubuntu?

Ever got this message when trying to access Windows 8 files on a partition from Ubuntu on a dual-boot?
"error mounting at exited with non-zero exit status Windows is hibernated refused to mount"

Type this using the data in your error message:
sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/sda2 /media/tron/288680458680158A2